Welcome to PINK Concussions
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YouTube Channel for everyone to learn about TBI in women
Support Groups for women/girls and caregivers
Our Research Papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Our Newsletter for invites to all events and calls
#PINKbrainPledge to pledge your brain to research
Donate to PINK’s mission via PayPal
2024 Annual Report
Katherine Snedaker, CEO of PINK Concussions, interviews Jacqueline Theis OD, FAAO, FNAP to discuss "Visual Snow Syndrome", activity pacing for the visual system, and eye care for concussions-TBI. The third interview in a our YouTube series on visual disorders after brain injury.
• Visual snow is a debilitating visual phenomenon that can occur for many reasons, including concussion. It involves seeing static-like dots across the entire field of vision
• Visual snow syndrome involves visual snow plus other symptoms like photophobia (light sensitivity), nyctalopia (poor night vision), persistent afterimages, and tinnitus (ringing in the ears).
Show notes and contact info in video description
March 2024 - USA, New Zealand, Australia
Katherine was invited to speak at Aotearoa New Zealand's first International Traumatic Brain Injury Conference on 22 March as well as Los Angeles on 16 March (event info), and Melbourne on 23 March (event info)
Los Angeles
Innovative Research addressing Health Concerns of Women Service Members and Veterans Presenters Left to Right:, Ashton Kroner USMC Veteran, Associate Director of Development and External Affairs, UF Health Leon L. Haley Jr., MD, Brain Wellness, Maheen Mausoof Adamson, PhD, MHL, Research Director, Women’s Operational Military Exposure Network (WOMEN), VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Senior Scientist, Rehabilitation, VA Palo Alto Healthcare System Clinical Professor, Neurosurgery (Affiliated), Stanford University School of Medicine, Katherine Snedaker, LCSW, CEO PINK Concussions, Eve M. Valera, Ph.D. (she/her), Director, Valera Lab, Psychiatric Neuroscience Division, Department of Psychiatry, Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Research Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital
New Zealand
Aotearoa New Zealand 1st International TBI Conference "The Hidden Cost of Violence" Top row: L to R - Dr. Eve Valera, Dr. Hinemoa Elder, Dr. Debbie Hager, Bottom row: L to R: Katherine Snedaker, Dr. Kim Gorgens, Dr. Alice Theadom, and Emcee/Journalist/Activist, Alison Mau
Presenters Left to Right: Dr. Jason Chan, Chief Medical Officer for the Melbourne Storm National Rugby League (NRL) team, Jacob, Student-Athlete Advocate, Professor John Olver AM, the Victor Smorgon Chair of Rehabilitation Medicine at Epworth HealthCare and Monash University, Dr. Vicki Anderson, Director of Clinical Sciences Research at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Professor at the Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences of The University of Melbourne, Dr. Michael Makdissi, Chief Medical Officer for the Australian Football League (AFL), Nick Rushworth, Executive Officer, Conference Chair, Brain Injury Australia, Katherine Price Snedaker, Executive Director and Founder of PINK Concussions – an international advocacy organization for women and girls with brain injury
May 2024
Katherine invited to present “Sex and Gender Differences in Brain Injury and Why it Matters” for USBIA
What has Research shown about Brain Injury in Women and Girls?
The FACTS are clear in multiple research studies for over a decade.
We are #pinkTBI.
Eleven PINK SUMMITS from 2016-2022
Training the medical community with the most current research
PINK 1 Georgetown University Medical Center
PINK 3 New Orleans at IBIA
Injury across the Female Life Span
PINK 4 Rome at IPBIS
Brain Injury in Women Under 25
PINK in the Press
Creating awareness in the national news, medical journals, social media and on Capitol Hill
Support PINK Concussions to train the medical community as well as provide life-changing Support Groups for Women with Brain Injury.