The BEST ONLINE Concussion Education Resources: 3 Videos and an App


These three videos and app can provide you the motivation, the education and the tool YOU CAN USE to help any child or adult with a possible concussion.

It is always best to have an athletic trainer be the first responder to a possible concussion, but without an AT, here is how a student, parent or volunteer coach can prepare:

Why you need to be educated? 

Video recommended for middle and high school athletes, coaches and parents. Parents, please watch first before showing to younger children. 4 minutes

What you need to know? 

Video recommended for all age kids plus coaches and parents. Video uses humor to educate. 4 Minutes

UPDATE: The term "Rest" used in the video is now referred to as “Reasonable Rest” or “Sensible Rest.” The outdated treatment plan of laying in a dark room for weeks at a time has been shown to increase anxiety, stress and add to the recovery challenge. Too much activity is also detrimental. Finding the sweet spot in-between is a joint effort of the concussion team consisting of the medical provider, family and school to assess and plan for each individual student. 

How best to recover after a concussion (but watch it now)

Recommended for kids, parents and coaches by international experts, Dr. Mike Evans and Dr. Gerry Gioia.  11 minutes

THE APP to have on your phone when a possible concussion occurs

FREE SmartPhone App guides coaches and parents step by step on how to assess an injury and respond by providing current CDC guidelines on when a child should be removed from play and when to call 911.

This app is recommended for coaches to notify parents of a possible head injury based on the most current CDC information, and time and geo stamps the final report. This report is emailed from with the app from coach to parent, manager and team. The app also records information which will be useful for the doctors and parents at a later time to judge RTP and guide a recovery plan. The app is available at the Apple® App StoreSM and Google Play.

My Review of the PAR CRR App is A+

Why would this help kids? After a possible head injury, this app guides coaches and parents on how to assess the injury and how best to respond by providing current medical guidance on when to call 911 or if the child should be removed from play. The app also records information which will be useful for the doctors and parents at a later time to judge RTP and guide a recovery plan.

Example of use: A youth sport athlete suffers a hit on the soccer field. The athlete is taken to the sideline, accessed with the app and the parent is emailed the information about the athlete with ACE care materials.

What is it? An app

Who uses it? Coaches or parents

When? At the first sign of any suspected head injury

To do what? After a possible head injury, coach or parent are led through set of questions about the child’s current signs, symptoms and behaviors. The user is given a set of conditions when to stop using the app and call 911, and if none of those conditions are met then to proceed to ask the athlete how he or she feels. The app records information which will be useful for the doctors. A summary of the answers to the question can be emailed to the parents with care instructions.

How do I get this app? Download on it on your smart phone from the app store

Who supplies the info? Coach or any adult

Cost? Free

Compliance? HIPPA and FERPA Compliant

Liability issues? Could decreases liability for coach and team

No Smart Phone?

I have developed a paper version of the app above for organizations who have members without smart phones. Dr. Gerry Gioia has reviewed and approved this paper form. (click image for downloadable PDF)