The 2019 Military Service Award for her research in brain injury in female veterans
Dr. Maheen Mausoof Adamson @AdamsMausoof Senior Scientific Research Director, Defense & Veterans Brain Injury Center/Clinical Associate Professor, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine - Dr. Adamson’s expertise and interests span employing translational neuroscience methodologies for diagnostic and therapeutic treatments (such as repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS)) in patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and its related health problems. She has employed advanced structural and functional imaging techniques and biomarker assessments in Veteran, active military and civilian populations with brain injury. She has been a leader in identifying gender differences in brain injury, particularly in the Veteran population.
The 2019 Domestic Violence Award for her research in DV/IPV and brain injury
Eve M. Valera Ph.D. @EveValera2 Director, Laboratory for Cerebellar Psychiatric Research, Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Research Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital @EveValera2 Dr. Valera is an Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has been working in the field of domestic violence for nearly 25 years. Her current work uses a range of methodologies to understand the neural, neuropsychological and psychological consequences of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) resulting from intimate partner-violence (IPV). She published one of the first studies examining the prevalence of IPV-related TBI and its relationship to cognitive and psychological functioning, and has more recently provided the first neural mechanistic evidence of IPV-related TBI. She is an internationally sought after speaker addressing a range of relevant stakeholders including professionals in the court and law enforcement systems, front line domestic violence support staff, and affected women themselves.
Host Country Awards
PINK Concussions Award at the National-Level for raising awareness of Female Brain Injury in Canada, Brain Injury Canada for always championing female brain injury topics in their conferences and their support of PINK Concussions
Brain Injury Canada @braininjury_CAN accepting the award: Michelle McDonald, Executive Director, Brain Injury Canada - The mission of Brain Injury Canada is to enhance the quality of life of individuals and families/caregivers living with brain injury in Canada. The Board, Staff and volunteers of Brain Injury Canada are dedicated to facilitating post-trauma research, education, awareness and advocacy in partnership with national, provincial/territorial and regional associations and other stakeholders. Our vision is for all individuals and families/caregivers living with the effects of brain injury to be supported, valued and engaged in their communities.
PINK Concussions Award at the Provincial-Level for their unending passion and group efforts to pass Rowan’s Law in Ontario
Gordon and Kathleen Stringer in memory of their daughter, Rowan @Rowans_Dad @RowansLaw
Hon. Lisa MacLeod @MacLeodLisa Ontario Cabinet Minister
Eric Lindros @88EricLindros Retired Professional Canadian ice hockey player
Pamela Fuselli, MSc @pfuselli @parachutecanada VP, Knowledge Transfer & Stakeholder Relations, Parachute - Pamela leads Parachute in translating research evidence into action. With 20 years in the health care/injury prevention sector, she has focused on knowledge mobilization resulting in behaviour change, the impact of good public policy and the importance of collaboration to further the impact on social change.
Charles H. Tator OC, MD, PhD, FRCSC FACS @CharlesTator @UHN Director, Canadian Concussion Centre, Toronto Western Hospital - Charles Tator is a neurosurgeon with a clinical and research focus on trauma to the brain and spinal cord. He is a founding director of Parachute Canada, the country's leading injury prevention agency.
Dr. Dan Cass @DrDanCass @Sunnybrook Former Chair, Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee; Executive Vice President and Chief Medicine Executive, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre - Dr. Dan Cass practiced as an emergency physician for 16 years at a trauma centre in Toronto. He then held a number of positions at the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario, where he first learned of Rowan’s tragic death. He was later asked to Chair the Rowan’s Law Advisory Committee. Dr. Cass is currently Executive Vice President and Chief Medical Executive at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto.
PINK Concussions Award at the City-Level: for her work with women survivors of gender-based violence including partnerships to address brain injury and IPV
Nneka MacGregor @NnekaMacGregor @WomenatcentrE, Executive Director, WomenatthecentrE Nneka MacGregor is an advocate who for the past 15 years has been working to eradicate all forms of gender based violence against women and girls. She is an entrepreneur with over 30 years business experience, a public speaker and mentor, focusing on women's leadership. Nneka is the proud mother to three amazing children, Aly, Alexander and Christiana, and human companion to Basil (The Wonder Dog) and Renfrew, the Cat.