Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury Task Force Calls
This is a task force for any clinicians, direct service providers and/or researchers - women with lived experience can join but this group is focused on education rather than support.
If you are a woman with experience of DV/IPV who is looking for support, please join us the PINK Concussions Support Group which is a moderated support group for women with brain injury.
Meeting videos from 2022-2024 can be found on YouTube - there are 18 videos to explore.
Meetings videos from 2019-2021 are linked below.
2024 Presentations (posted on YouTube)
Feb "Too Many to Count," Steffy Bechelet and Dr. Annmarie Burns from Brainkind (formally the Disabilities Trust) VIDEO
May The complex interconnections between work environments and the needs of women survivors of IPV-related BI (IPV-BI) - Halina (Lin) Haag, MSW, RSW, PhD No video - Sorry due to technical issues there was no recording
2021 TASK FORCE CALLS - Summary and video links - NOT posted on YouTube
Jan. How data in post-9/11 Veterans with TBI and Trauma can inform treatment of IPV
Feb. Inspiring Empathy and Action in the Next Generation
Mar. Cross-section of Substance Use and TBI
April TBI and IPV - Kathleen Monahan
May TBI and IPV - Nneka MacGregor
June Racial Disparities in TBI in Pediatric ER Patients - Jessica Wallace
2021 TASK FORCE CALLS - Decks, Notes and Speaker Bios
Jan #21 - How data in post-9/11 Veterans with TBI and Trauma can inform treatment of IPV
Call Notes created by Hope Kent
Catherine Fortier, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Principle Investigator (PI) and Clinical Director of the Translational Research Center for TBI and Stress Disorders (TRACTS) National Network Center for TBI at VA Boston Healthcare system.
Cate will present her work from the TRACTS National Network TBI Research Center that demonstrates how the combined exposure of brain (TBI) and psychological trauma, that are highly prevalent in the current generation of post-9/11 Veterans, informs treatment of complex multimorbid patients, and in particular, how this data can inform treatment of IPV.
To understand the patterns of clinical comorbidities related to the combined effects of brain and psychological trauma that are highly prevalent in the current generation of post-9/11 Veterans.
To understand the challenges of treatment particular to the post-9/11 Veteran population and why focusing on single symptoms or single diagnoses in isolation won’t succeed.
The potential for novel group skills-based transdiagnostic approach to improve treatment engagement, therapy compliance, reintegration, and both cognitive and emotional function.
Discussion of application of a skills-based transdiagnostic approach to the treatment of TBI and mental health comorbidity in Intimate Partner Violence.
Feb #22 - Inspiring Empathy and Action in the Next Generation
Two young individuals tell their stories of why and how they have supported survivors of violence and TBI
Alejandro (he/him/his) is a 10 year-old 4th grader who fought to get his class to support the PINK Concussion’s Partner Inflicted Brain Injury Task force in a math fundraiser. Despite many other very worthy causes, Alejandro was successful in making a case for PINK Concussions. Alejandro will talk about why he fought to support PINK and why the class joined him in supporting this cause. He will also talk about what he learned along the way and how he plans to keep making a difference. Alejandro’s story shows that one is never too young to help or make a difference and we hope that his story will encourage others to engage their own children in supporting survivors as well.
Beads for Hope
Veronica (she/her/hers) is a 17-year old high school Sr. who created Beads for Hope and has been making bracelets for survivors of partner violence for 3 years. Over 500 bracelets have been distributed and these small gifts have been met with tears and tremendous gratitude from the women receiving them. Veronica will tell her story of how she became involved in this work as well as the impact it has
had not only on the women she serves but her own life. It is a story of how even the smallest of gifts or demonstrations of support can be so powerful. Veronica’s work has now served as a model and example for other youth to be heroes for women experiencing partner violence and we hope it will continue to inspire even more.
March #23 - Cross-section of Substance Use and TBI
This is a very important presentation by Dr. Rachel Sayko Adams on the cross-section of substance use and TBI. Dr. Adams will describe her research on at-risk substance use following TBI in military/Veteran and civilian populations. She will discuss the theory of how individuals with TBI may be at greater risk for adverse consequences associated with the opioid epidemic due to a "perfect storm" of risk factors - based on a recent commentary in the Journal of Neurotrauma (Adams, Corrigan, Dams-O'Connor).
Her talk will conclude with a discussion of potential implications for how intimate partner violence may be related to the interrelationship of TBI and substance use, highlighting areas for future research. In summary, her talk with cover the following:
Interrelationship between substance use and TBI
Risk for unhealthy alcohol use following TBI
Theory of the "perfect storm" increasing risk for opioid use and adverse consequences following TBI
Considerations for how intimate partner violence may be associated with the relationship between substance use and TBI
Dr. Rachel Sayko Adams is a Scientist at the Institute for Behavioral Health at Brandeis University's Heller School for Social Policy and Management. She also is a Health Services Researcher with the Rocky Mountain MIRECC (Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center) for Veteran Suicide Prevention at Veterans Health Affairs.
April #24 - Dr. Kathleen Monahan on her recent research focused on women who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and IPV.
Kathleen Monahan, D.S.W., L.C.S.W. L.M.F.T., C.F.C. joined the School of Social Welfare faculty in 1996 as Assistant Professor and became Associate Professor in 2000. In 1998, she founded and was the Director of The Family Violence Education and Research Center until 2009.
The FVERC’s mission, in collaboration with community and University leaders, was to provide multidisciplinary training and research in the area of family violence.
Dr. Monahan has been in private practice since 1984 and areas of practice and research expertise include women’s health, particularly the effects of childhood sexual abuse, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), and trauma. She has provided therapy and clinical supervision/consultation in several of the domestic violence shelters on Long Island. Dr. Monahan is a national and international lecturer on these issues.
Dr. Monahan’s other interests are interprofessional collaboration and she has investigated the use of humor in therapeutic contexts. Her recent research focuses on women who have experienced Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and IPV. LINK to Dr. Monahan's research
May #25 - May #25 - Battered and Brain Injured: Strangulation and TBI among Women Identified Survivors of Interpersonal Violence
Nneka MacGregor's presentation covers:
Why is this a gendered-issue?
Systemic Barriers for Black Women
Non-fatal Strangulation in IPV Survivors
Research from Women’s Centre for Social Justice, aka WomenatthecentrE
The 6 "S" Challenges for Survivors: Shame, Stigma, Safety, Silence, Solitude and Silos
Nneka MacGregor is an entrepreneur with over three decades of business experience. She is co-founder and Executive Director of the Women’s Centre for Social Justice, aka WomenatthecentrE, a unique non-profit organization created by and for women and trans survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).
An advocate and respected leader in the GBV movement, Nneka has served on committees and councils, including as an expert member of the Advisory Council on the Federal Strategy Against Gender-Based Violence. An intersectional feminist and international speaker, she is a Panel Member of the Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability and the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee. Nneka’s research focus is on sexual violence and on the intersection of strangulation, Traumatic Brain Injury and Inter-Personal Violence.She was a recipient of the 2019 PINK Concussions Awards and is also the recipient of the YWCA Women of Distinction 2020 award for Social Justice.
June #25 - Racial Disparities in TBI in Pediatric ER Patients - Jessica Wallace
Dr. Jessica Wallace will be presenting her 2021 paper written with Dr. Rebekah C Mannix and published in The Journal of Pediatrics "Racial Disparities in Diagnosis of Concussion and Minor Head Trauma and Mechanism of Injury in Pediatric Patients Visiting the Emergency Department."
Dr. Jessica Wallace is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Health Science & Athletic Training Program at The University of Alabama.
Dr. Wallace holds degrees in Athletic Training, Physical Education, Kinesiology and Public Health/Epidemiology and her research foci centers around understanding concussion in context of health disparity and health inequity.
Her community-based participatory research approach aims to build relationships and close the disparity gap.
NOTE: With such grace, Joss gave up time from her presentation so we could have more time to discuss Jessica's paper. Joss quickly gave her presentation but did not have the time she deserved. She will be back in Nov to present in full.
Joss Gaynor, Head of Foundation of The Disabilities Trust UK, will speak on a brand-new study on domestic abuse practitioners’ understanding of brain injury.
Joss brings a wealth of experience within the substance use field in both front line treatment settings and within policy and project management functions. She has led on the development and implementation of national good practice projects influencing both local and national structures to improve the support available for vulnerable groups.
2020 TASK FORCE CALLS - Summary and video links
Jan. Australia’s Groundbreaking Report on Brain Injury and Family Violence
Feb. Research Reports from Spain and the VA Medical Center
Mar. Domestic Violence Work in Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain
Apr. COVID, a historical view of TBI-DV, and prevalence of TBI in male & female prisons zoom
May Presentations on screening tools, incarcerated mothers and SOAR zoom
June Black Women’s Experience with Brain Injury and IPV/DV
July IPV through a broad lens focused on equity, marginalization, and culture with the goal of empowering survivors
Sept. Literature review assessing IPV against transgender individuals google drive
Oct . Rachel Ramirez Founder and Director of the Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury, a project of the Ohio Domestic Violence Network.
Nov. Dr. Eve Valera on her research and work at the The Valera Lab at Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
2020 TASK FORCE CALLS - Decks, Notes, and Speaker Bios in reverse order from Sept -Jan.
2020 Sept #18 - Literature Review assessing IPV against transgender individuals
Notes from the call - coming later today, but LINKs below now
Maddy Pliskin is a Junior at Brandeis studying Biology & Public Health. While previously conducting research at Brandeis’ Heller School for Social Policy, she studied substance abuse as a sequela of IPV. As a part of the Valera Lab, she conducts interviews & cognitive testing with individuals who have experienced IPV. Maddy is interested in the manifestation of TBI related IPV, specifically within transgender & BIPOC individuals.
Olivia Scott is a Senior at Harvard College studying Human Evolutionary Biology. Her research interests include TBI & women's health. She worked with Dr. Eve Valera & Julia Daugherty (PhD, U of Granada) to compare the outcomes of women who were victims of brain injury resulting from strangulation vs blunt force trauma in the context of IPV.
Sarah King is a Senior at Bates College. She is a Psychology major and on the pre-med track. Having been an overnight camp counselor for children who experienced trauma and/or crisis her last two summers, Sarah is excited to investigate this specific form of trauma, TBI in women as a result of IPV, from a research perspective.
2020 July #16 - IPV through a broad lens focused on equity, marginalization, and culture with the goal of empowering survivors
Video Link
Amrapali Maitra, MD, PhD @amrapalimaitra is a resident physician in internal medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, and a medical anthropologist studying domestic violence.
Jackie Savage-Borne, LICSW @BorneSavage is a social worker, adjunct faculty at Simmons School of Social Work, and the program manager of Passageway, the domestic violence advocacy program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
2020 June #15 - Black Women’s Experience with Brain Injury and IPV/DV
Video Link
Monique R. Pappadis, MEd, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is also PINK Concussions Professional Advisory Board member. Dr. Pappadis will summarize research on the disproportionate impact of brain injury and intimate partner violence on ethnic minorities with emphasis on Black/African American women. This presentation will also describe the experiences of Black women with access to services and encourage the use of cultural humility to guide interactions with diverse populations.
2020 May #14 - Presentations on Screening tools, incarcerated mothers and SOAR
Notes from the call - Thank you to Hope Kent, University of Exeter, for these notes
Madeleine Champagne, an MPH Student at The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice, presented on research assessing the current screening tools for IPV-related TBI. This brief presentation will summarize the findings of a 2020 literature review on the current screening tools used in IPV-related research and treatment.
Monica Nguyen, an MPH student at the Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice, presented on the findings on maternal health outcomes associated with traumatic brain injuries with respect to incarcerated mothers as of 2020.
Karen Mason is an advocate for women survivors of intimate partner violence, the co-founder and director of community practice for SOAR (Supporting, Survivors of Abuse and Brain Injury through Research), and former executive director of Kelowna Women’s Shelter in British Columbia, Canada. Karen gave an overview of SOAR, with their goals and findings to date.
2020 April #13 - COVID, a historical view of TBI-DV, and revalence of TBI in male and female prisons
Notes from the call with LINKS Thank you to Hope Kent, University of Exeter, for these notes
Kelly S. O’Donnell is a historian of medicine, gender, and activism in modern America. Beginning this fall, she will be a postdoctoral fellow at the Consortium for History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Philadelphia. Stephen and Kelly presented on their co-authored paper, “The Punch-Drunk Boxer and the Battered Wife,” a critical comparative history of TBI in gendered populations.
Stephen T. Casper is a medical historian and Professor in the History of Science at Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He is Associate Director of The Clarkson Honors Program
Huw Williams is an Associate Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology and Co-Director of the Centre for Clinical Neuropsychology Research (CCNR) at Exeter University. Huw will discussed his research of neuro-trauma in adolescents and young adults in society and in prisons.
Sara D S Ramos, PhD, CPsychol, Research Fellow, The Disabilities Trust, presented on recent findings of the prevalence of ABI in a women’s prison, and on the links between ABI, domestic abuse, offending and health. Sara's presentation will summarize initial findings on the prevalence, causes and impact of ABI in a women’s prison.
2020 March Call #12 - Domestic Violence Work in Belgium, The Netherlands and Spain
Video Link - Our 1st call on Zoom, due to tech issue video starts on Julia’s 2nd slide
From The Family Justice Center in Belgium and the Netherlands, Pascale Franck and Bert Groen will discuss:
The necessity of multidisciplinary, integrated approach of domestic violence and child abuse
The Family Justice Center and its guiding principles
A holistic view on the approach of domestic violence and child abuse
Offender accountability and victim's safety
Pascale Franck is the co-director of the Family Justice Center Antwerp and works for the Flemish government in enrolling the multidisciplinary approach of domestic violence and child abuse. Currently, Pascale is also is the Vice-president of the European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA).
Bert Groen is a former Police inspector in the Netherlands with 20+ (1978-2000) years of experience in child-friendly interviewing and in criminal investigations on sexual crimes trafficking child pornography child abuse and other related crimes. Currently, Bert is the President of the European Family Justice Center Alliance (EFJCA).
From Spain's Center for Research on Mind, Brain and Behavior
Julia Caroline Daugherty, Ph.D. will present her research on neuropsychological and brain alterations in female survivors of IPV in Spain. She will also speak about the Universidad de Granada's ongoing project to validate a free and cross-cultural evaluation instrument for neuropsychological impairment in the context of IPV - The Believe Project Julia is IPV and TBI Postdoctoral Researcher and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatment at the Universidad de Granda's Center for Research on Mind, Brain and Behavior (CIMCY).
2020 Feb Call #11 - Research Reports from Spain and the VA Medical Center
Nathalia Quiroz Molinares, a Ph.D. Student at Universidad De la Costa in Barranquilla-Colombia, will present her research which focuses on understanding how physical and psychological IPV affects a woman’s brain. Her work is based in Colombia which has the fifth-highest rate of IPV in Latin America.
Alison Cogan, Ph.D., OTR/L, will present on gender differences in traumatic brain injury outcomes in military service members and veterans. This presentation will summarize the findings of a recently published literature review about differences in TBI outcomes among male and female military service members and Veterans. Alison is Polytrauma/TBI Postdoctoral Fellow at the Washington DC VA Medical Center, Adjunct Assistant Professor at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences, and ACRM’s Early Career Networking Group Chair.
2020 Jan Call #10 - Australia’s Groundbreaking Report on Brain Injury and Family Violence
Nick Rushworth, Executive Officer of Brain Injury Australia will update us on their ground-breaking report: The Prevalence of Acquired Brain Injury among Victims and Perpetrators of Family Violence, Australia’s first evidence-based study of brain injury associated with family violence. As well as being the Executive Officer of Brain Injury Australia since 2008, Nick was the president of the Brain Injury Association of New South Wales between 2004 and 2008. Read more.
2019 TASK FORCE CALLS - Decks, Notes, and Speaker Bios
Nov Call #9 TBI Report from Nebraska and Training Video from Scotland
Peggy Reisher, MSW, is the executive director of the Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska (BIA-NE) whose organizational mission is to create a better future for all Nebraskans through brain injury prevention, education, advocacy, and support. Reisher has 25 years of experience working and advocating for individuals with brain injury and their families across the state of Nebraska. Her personal goal is to create system improvement for those living with the effects of brain injury. Peggy will present on The Nebraska 2019 Report.
Ann Hayne is the Gender-Based Violence Manager at NHS Lanarkshire in Scotland. She is a qualified social worker with over 15 years’ experience in the violence against women sector in Scotland. Ann will be presenting on the training purpose and use for the NHS Lanarkshire's Trauma and the Brain video - an 8-minute animation.
Oct Call #8 Dr. LeAnn Bruce and Dr. Tara E. Galovski on Women Veterans and IPV
Dr. LeAnn Bruce
Dr. LeAnn Bruce serves as the National Program Manager for the Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Assistance Program under the National Care Management and Social Work Office, Department of Veterans Affairs. For over 25 years, Dr. Bruce has been involved in the prevention and intervention of Domestic Violence and Intimate Partner Violence across a variety of settings throughout her social work career serving active duty military, Veterans, and their families. LeAnn's presentation will highlight:
Veteran prevalence of IPV
Co-morbid issues and risk factors
Existence of the VA's Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program
Guiding principles and model of service delivery
DVAM Campaign
Tara E. Galovski Bio
Tara E. Galovski, PhD, PhD, Director, Women’s Health Sciences Division, National Center for PTSD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine, VA Boston Healthcare System
Tara will present on her work to examine the impact of head injury on the effectiveness of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) in treating PTSD, depression and related factors in women (civilian) survivors of IPV with and without a history of TBI/HI.
Sept Call #7 Lin Haag presents on Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit
Link to
Lin Haag Bio
Lin Haag is one of the team members who created the website - Abused & Brain Injured Toolkit or The purpose of the website is to increase awareness, education and share resources about the intersection of traumatic brain injury and intimate partner violence. For direct service providers - an easy-to-use site to quickly find the basic info but also have access for a deep dive in all the latest research and science. For women survivors and the general public - a site written in clear, simple language with personal stories to create a sense of shared experience and understanding.
Aug Call #6 Dr. Hirsch Handmaker + Dr. Jonny Lifshitz on new DV/TBI journals Issues
Dr. Jonny Lifshitz Bio
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma Volume 28, 2019 - Issue 6: Traumatic Brain Injury and Domestic Violence Victimization
Traumatic Brain Injury in Victims of Domestic Violence The article serves as the introduction to a special issue of the journal focused on traumatic brain injury in the context of domestic and intimate partner violence.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma Volume 28, 2019 - Issue 7: Special Issue Part II: Traumatic Brain Injury and Domestic Violence Victimization
July Call #5 Strangulation and Brain Injury LINK to the Call
Dr. Jackie Campbell Bio
Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell (Johns Hopkins University) is a national leader in research and advocacy in the field of domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV). She has authored or co-authored more than 230 publications and seven books on violence and health outcomes. Her studies paved the way for a growing body of interdisciplinary investigations by researchers in the disciplines of nursing, medicine, and public health. Her expertise is frequently sought by national and international policy makers in exploring IPV and its health effects on families and communities.
June Call #4 The Sojourner MC3DV Collaboration in Arizona
Dr. Hirsch Handmaker Bio
Carrie Borgen Bio
Dr. Hirsch Handmaker and Carrie Borgen to discussing The Sojourner MC3DV Collaboration in Arizona which addresses the issue of concussions in victims of intimate partner violence.
The program includes all of the systems partners who might come into contact with domestic violence victims, and begins with law enforcement facilitating contact with forensic nursing, advocates, social workers, and opportuntities for immediate shelter and neurological/neurocognitive assessments.
The project hopes to better understand both the short and long term implications of concussions for domestic violence victims.
May Call #3 Working in a culturally responsive and inclusive manner LINK to the Call - No Video - March 2019
Ohio DV Network Culturally Specific Services
Exposé on IPV and Concussion Oct 2018 Agenda and Conference Materials
Call #2 Follow-up and Introductions of new members - no recording - Feb 2019
Call #1 Introduction Call LINK to the Call - No Video - January 2019
Purpose of Task Force and Leadership Introductions
2:00 Katherine Snedaker
2:05 Eve Valera
2:10 Kate Iverson
2:15 Rachel Ramirez
2:20 Angela Colantonio
2:25 Two minute comments by the participants - grouped by region
*This is a task force for clincians, direct service providers and/or researchers only at this time; however, in the future, this task force will add women with lived experience. If you are a woman with experience of DV/IPV, please join us the PINK Concussions Support Group which is a moderated support group for women.