Call for Manuscripts

TBI in Women and Girls

A Topical Issue of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation (JHTR) a Wolters Kluwer Publication

Topical Issue Editors: Katherine Snedaker, LCSW and Lisa A. Brenner, PhD 

JHTR is a leading, peer-reviewed journal that provides up-to-date information on the clinical management and rehabilitation of persons with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). It is the official journal of the Brain Injury Association of America.

The White House’s recently launched initiative on Women’s Health Research set the goal: “…to fundamentally change how our country approaches and funds research on women’s health.”

Toward this end, the editors of JHTR and this issue are inviting research submissions focused on TBI in women and girls. This effort is aimed at addressing gaps in existing research, with the goal of highlighting scientific work that addresses the impact of sex and gender on outcomes after TBI.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to research regarding:

  • Exploring sex and/or gender differences in injury occurrence

  • Examining the role of physiology (e.g., endogenous hormones) on outcomes

  • Characterizing the impact of mediating factors

  • Understanding injury across the lifespan

Both original empirical studies and systematic/scoping reviews may be proposed. All invited papers will undergo masked peer review and are not guaranteed publication. 

Proposed timeline for this JHTR Topical Issue is as follows:

11/01/2024:    A synopsis (up to 500 words), with Title, Authors, Objectives, and Methods should be submitted to:

Specific information regarding design and methods should be included. Include an email subject “JHTR Topical Issue Synopsis”.

12/01/2024:    Notification of invitation for full paper submission will be e-mailed to first author.

02/15/2025:    Full papers uploaded to the JHTR Editorial Manager submission site no later than 02/15/2025, earlier is encouraged.

11/01/2025:    Expected publication date

Questions can be directed to: and